Mar 18, 2012

Light Of The World

English Version

Catatan: Tulisan saya dibawah bukan bermaksud memojokkan atau menuding kepada instansi tertentu, tetapi hanya sebagai sharing. Bila ada hal yang menyinggung silahkan disampaikan dengan itikad baik, dan saya dengan senang hati akan merubah isi blog ini. 

Marah!! Malu!! Sedih!! Itu perasaan yang saya rasakan sekarang. Menyaksikan di TV tentang siaran berita mengenai demonstrasi sebuah instansi pendidikan di Indonesia terhadap rencana kenaikan harga BBM.

OK, bukan rencana kenaikan BBM yang bikin emosi saya bergejolak. Tetapi tayangan demonstrasi itu menampilkan emosi para mahasiswa dari sebuah instansi pendidikan berlabelkan KRISTEN. Bahkan ada bagian dimana seorang mahasiswa dengan luapan emosinya, marah-marah, bahkan membentak-bentak pihak kepolisian, yang justru sebaliknya (aduuuhhh...) nampak tenang, diam, dan yeah...dapat mengontrol diri.

Terlepas dari "tanggung jawab moral" instansi pendidikan tersebut, saya ingin membawa blog ini kepada kita semua sebagai masing-masing individu.

"Kamu adalah terang dunia. Kota yang terletak diatas gunung tidak mungkin tersembunyi.......Demikianlah hendaknya terangmu bercahaya di depan orang, supaya mereka melihat perbuatanmu yang baik dan memuliakan Bapamu yang di sorga" (Matius 5:14, 16) 

"Karena itu, saudara-saudara, demi kemurahan Allah aku menasihatkan kamu, supaya kamu mempersembahkan tubuhmu sebagai persembahan yang hidup, yang kudus dan yang berkenan kepada Allah: itu adalah ibadahmu yang sejati" (Roma 12:1) 

Saya rasa cukup jelas ayat-ayat tersebut memberitahu kepada kita, bahwa hidup kita, didalam maupun diluar gereja, kapanpun itu...merupakan ibadah kita kepada Tuhan. Lebih jauh daripada itu, hidup kita merupakan kesaksian hidup yang mewakili Allah didepan orang lain.

Rekan-rekan sekalian...mari kita bersama-sama selalu mengingat bahwa KRISTEN bukanlah sebuah label yang dapat dilepas dan dipasang kapanpun kita mau Biarlah kita yang telah mengambil keputusan untuk mengikut Dia, dapat benar-benar menjadi saksi untuk kemuliaan Bapa kita.



N.B: This writing is made to illustrate my personal opinion, and is not trying to point or corner any institutions and individual out there. All content in this blog are only my personal sharing and testimony about gifts that I got. Some of them might be only my random feelings after seeing and facing problems in this life. Therefore, if (by any chance) you feel offended with the content of this blog, you may contact or leave message to me. I will be happy to discuss or, in extend, rewrite the content. Critics and comments are always welcomed. May Our Daily Fat becomes such a blessing for you. 

Anger + Shameful with a mix of sad. Those kind of feelings are what I really feel when I’m writing this entry. Before wrote this blog, I was watching news in TV. Then, something that made me so upset appeared in the TV screen. It was the university students who demonstrated refusing the increases of gas prices. 

Okay (before you are mistaken =p), I’m not upset with the government plan to increase the gas prices. It was the students’ rudeness and disgrace actions that upset me so bad. Oh well, I know it’s true and common for Indonesian demonstrators to use the rudeness (or sometimes violence) in the demonstration. Knowing that fact really well, this kind of attitude still cannot be accepted by my standard because the students come from Christian university. They let the emotion control their action, resulting some rude and dishonor actions. For example, the news show me a student with his uncontrollable temper, yelling to one of the police officers, who in contrary appear very calm, silent, and (yeah) can control their emotion really well. 

Regardless of the “moral responsibility” from this Christian educational institution, I want to bring this blog to all of us as individuals. 

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden…....In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14, 16)

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship" (Romans 12:1)
I think the verses are quite clear in telling us that our lives, whether it’s inside or outside the church, whenever it is, is our worship to God. Beyond that, our life is a living testimony of God in front of others. Therefore, our actions need to be guarded so we can glorify our God. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let us always remember that Christianity is not only a label which can be removed and attached whenever we want. May us, who have taken the decision to follow Him, can become a living witness for glorifying our Father. 


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